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Past Projects

Here is just a small representation of some of our past projects. We work closely with our clients to develop unique eLearning and training solutions. We'd love the opportunity to do the same for you.

LTC Ombudsman Training 
Module 9

Here is an example of a knowledge transfer module. Narration can be toggled on and off, the module includes video clips, interactive click-and-reveal elements, along with fill-in-the-blank knowledge checks.

Click on the image below to view the module.


Defusing Tension With Positive Student Interactions

This scenario-based learning experience is an excerpt from a larger module designed to assist student advisors in achieving positive outcomes during their interactions with other students while working at The Hub, a help desk located within the computer commons of a community college.

Click on the image below to view the module.

Laptop screen with eLearning module showing.

Types of and Paying for
Long-Term Care Settings

Our client required training based on an existing face-to-face curriculum.  We developed concise training with an intuitive click-and-reveal interface, interactive elements, and knowledge check questions. This version excludes narration to reduce cognitive load and empower learners to stay focused and in control of their learning journey.

Click on the image below to view the module.

Laptop screen with eLearning module showing.
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